Creative Biblical Communication
This course will instruct each student in the basic Biblical principles of communication. We will cover the areas of the message, its structure, overcoming nervousness and communicating in Spirit & truth. Students will present messages for peer evaluation. Students will also evaluate sermons in church. Grading will be based on attendance, quizzes & tests,
homework & presentations.
Ses 1:The Lifeskill of Speaking Well
Ses 4:Storytelling, words pictures and illustrating
Ses 7:Use & Abuse of Humor
Ses 9:Programming: The "frame" for your message
Ses 2:Thesis Statement & Introduction
Ses 5:Segues & Overcoming Nervousness
Ses 8a:The Heart of a Communicator
Ses 10:10 Commandments of a Communicator
Ses 3:Body: Points & Truth
Ses 6:Conclusion & Response
Ses 8b: The Heart of a Communicator
Bonus: More on Overcoming Nervousness