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So, you want to start a —

In a Village you will experience accountability, belonging and care. We believe that circles are more powerful than rows — when we gather in large groups we can be encouraged and inspired but true life change happens when we know and are known by others.

On this page you will find resources that will equip you to start your own Village.


 ****this section needs editing****

Fill in a Connection Card online here or talk to a staff member or key volunteer at The Junction about starting a group in person or online. 

  1. It is our expectation that before you lead a Village you have been a part of a physical or online Village or part of the OurChurch family for a season. 

  2. Complete Village Leader Training - OurStory, Village Leader Induction course/booklet online. 

  3. Be assigned a coach to discuss training and brainstorm who might join your Village. 

  4. Understand that Villages are fluid and change over time. The ideal is that you are in a Village for a short season 6-12 months and then you will create your own Village to connect with people in your world. The primary purpose of Village is for people to be engaged for accountability, belonging and care while living mission and sharing faith. 

  5. Post on socials about new Village starting to gather interested people from the community. 

  6. Gain access to resources to use within your group. Circle up etc. 

  7. Register your group in Ucare for reporting and care purposes. 

  8. Group begins with running Circle Up. 

  9. Coach checks in with Village Leaders at least once a term to discuss progress.

 Village Leader Induction Course

Complete this training to be on your way to hosting your own Village.

This may link to the Google Site where this information is? or maybe we just embed the course here….we need a conversation about what will work best.


Start a Village

I want to start a Village today —

Congratulations on taking the step to be more connected and playing a role in connecting others! We believe that Villages provide accountability, belonging and care that will impact lives for eternity!

Everyone connects with people on the rhythm and routine of their lives, we encourage you to reach out to those on your path and invite them to join you on the adventure of starting a Village.

Take a moment to fill in the form below to let us know who you will be gathering with.

Village Leader Resources

Circle Up
Talk it Over Notes - we need to find a spot to post these on our website each week for future reference if we think we need it.
Living Mission

**this index may just include a few sentences about each of the available resources and then could take them to the Resources Discipleship page where we already have key resources listed…..
