The Art of Living


Recently, Pastor Kev shared a message entitled "The Art of Living" in which he unpacked the benefits of walking.

He shared that when put together, the four gospels have in total roughly 65,000 English words –the size of a good-sized self-help book.

Almost 50% of those 65,000 words are the red-letter sayings of Jesus.

Nearly 45% either describe Jesus’ early life as a child, his final days before his death, or his activity as a miracle worker and healer in between. 

After that, what’s left is the remaining 5%

Some would say all that remains are mundane details about Jesus’ life that honestly, don’t matter that much. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Pastor Kev talked about how he has found that when you strip away everything miraculous that Jesus did, and everything that Jesus taught, you’re left with a plan, a blueprint, basic principles on how to make life work. 

Perhaps the 5% of the gospels that we mostly gloss over are more significant than we think. 

Perhaps they carry clues on something we need to flourish as human beings.

To be healthy physically, emotionally, spiritually & socially, we must be prepared to walk it out with others and the Lord.

That last 5% of Jesus' life if not just throw away, it reveals to us the Art of Living Well. 

According to Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” 

And Søren Kierkegaard, when writing to his sister, who had a tendency to get depressed and sick often, said “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.

Be sure to check out Ps Kev's message here - The Art of Living message and visit the three blogs below by Brian Jones, which were the inspiration for Ps Kev's message.

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