SOAP Devotions


SCRIPTURE: Acts 28:31 “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ – with all boldness and without hindrance!”

OBSERVATION: Even though Paul knew his time on this earth was coming to an end, he continued to make the most of every moment to tell people about the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of light, the kingdom of our God and about Jesus Christ, who is the only door way into the kingdom. We must do the same – make the most of every moment we get to tell people about Jesus.

APPLICATION: Am I making the most of every opportunity? I need to help people develop a relationship with God, though Jesus as Lord and Saviour, so they can step into the kingdom. Paul was not fazed by any circumstance; he was focused. I must be the same.

PRAYER: Father help me to be laser focused on the job ahead – showing people the way into the kingdom through Jesus. Amen

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