SOAP Devotions

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SCRIPTURE: John 16:7 “But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counsellor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”

OBSERVATION: Jesus is letting his team know that he has to go away in order for them to experience the Father for themselves, through the counsellor. When the counsellor comes, He will convict the world of guilt for refusing to believe in Jesus and He will declare that the prince of this world (Satan) has been condemned, bringing us comfort. The Son had to return to the Father, so that the Holy Spirit could begin His work of spiritual renewal within. 

APPLICATION: I must fully surrender to the work of the counsellor within me to convict me of sin and to remind me that this world and the prince of it is judged and condemned. My victory is in the fact that greater is the one that is in me (the Counsellor) than the one who is condemned (Satan).

PRAYER: Father, may I never get hard hearted and reject the counsellor’s voice and direction. Amen.

At OurChurch, we follow the Life Journal Reading Plan and use the SOAP journaling method - Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. Download a booklet here for some tips on how you can get started.