SOAP Devotions

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SCRIPTURE: Luke 11:34 “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness.”

OBSERVATION: The eyes are a gateway of communication, they are a means by which light and darkness makes its way into my soul. My eyes also reflect what is inside of me. That’s why it’s important to always look someone in the eye when you’re speaking to them. The eyes are a window to our soul. 

APPLICATION: What am I allowing my eyes to gaze upon? Whatever I gaze upon determines the health of my eyes and what they are delivering into my soul. If I look upon the holiness of God I will be holy, if I look upon the darkness of the world and I will become corrupt.

PRAYER: Lord I pray that you help me to keep my eyes on track and that I gaze upon your holiness so that I will continue to be conformed into the image of Christ on my discipleship journey. Amen.

At OurChurch, we follow the Life Journal Reading Plan and use the SOAP journaling method - Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. Download a booklet here for some tips on how you can get started.

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